Thursday 30 April 2015

Thought Picnic: Suicide quests of irresponsibility

Where we are
Life is one long tale of contradictions, the hard and difficult lessons of personal experience that appears to suggest we have it all together.
The standing of a tree and its beauty thereof, if there is any to behold is rarely observed from its roots. Yet if some storm or adversity in nature perchance fells that tree, we might know why it stood or conversely, why it fell.
We are constantly schooled by the paternal and the maternal instructiveness of osmosis. For in them we have obtained the uniqueness of our makeup, imperfect but functional, a study of irresponsibility to reasonableness as we career with abandon at times, and in control at other times down the windy and perilous roads of life looking for camps of silence, shelter, sustenance or support.
How we roll
In solitude, speak with the knowledge that we have been our own fools for long enough to gain some wisdom that we must hope to deal no more harshly with others than we have allowed to be dealt towards us.
From the private stupid to the public smart and vice versa we have taken risks we shouldn't have by omission, by commission or by default, and much as we have paid dearly for it, licking our wounds in the end, we have come out on the other almost intact, but not really.
Elements of irresponsibility can almost cost our lives, but we must be grateful if reasonableness came before it was too late, else it would be another telling that story in their own way.
What we do
Yet, we are aggrieved and we are beginning to grieve because in another person's story so connected to ours, reasonableness did not get in the way of irresponsibility soon enough that all we are left to hope for is the miracle of means and deeds.
It is in that realisation that we must prepare ourselves for an uncertain and difficult future in chaotic environments we can hardly influence. This is where irresponsibility in some of our situations looks very much like a suicide quest. What was avoidable became the overwhelming circumstance of a bad reality hitting us in the face.

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