Friday 21 December 2012

My Compendium of Birthday Greetings

Just before time
I published a blog for my birthday and scheduled it to go live at 5 minutes past midnight, what I did not realise was it set in the Central European time zone.
Friends from India about 5 time zones to the East had started sending in birthday greetings once it was midnight in India.
In any case, I could not ignore the deluge of greetings, that were coming in from about 23:05 my time but before long I was overwhelmed, I could not handle the lot and just responding with “Thanks” was becoming too monotonous for my liking.
Storify the lot
By the time I had received phone calls, text messages, Facebook statuses, emails and Twitter messages, I was probably coasting to 500 messages.
The Twitter ones needed collating and how better to do that than to Storify the lot?
So, in gratitude to all and everyone who sent me greetings on Twitter, messages for good health, for strength and even such effusive praise that I cannot at my very best measure up to the least of the encomiums – the Storify is to cherish, document, and savour the wonderful things said to me.

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