Monday 4 June 2012

Thought Picnic: Rehab needed for life

The tough road
I am beginning to think we need a new kind of rehab, the rehabilitation of self in such a way that you able to tread the path of reinventing yourself without too much difficulty.
One thing I have realised about myself is the radical way cancer changed me in terms of health, wealth, outlook, prospect and I dare say, self-confidence.
One cannot begin to list the many things one has lost by reason of the onset of illness and having battled and won over illness how the road back to life, living and earning a living has been fraught with difficulty, uncertainty, doubt and a sense of timidity.
This is not the man that was some 4 years ago when ability and projection were at their peak with purposefulness and determination.
I cannot allow myself to believe I have run out of ideas but the ideas I seem to have are not working the way they used to and that means I need new ideas, some help, probably a place to meditate and a new perspective to life and livelihood.
Some 12 years ago, I got some interesting help when an occupational psychotherapist suggested I was suffering a mid-life crisis 10 years early. It appears I have now reached mid-life and the crisis has been compounded by adversity.
Surely, there must be some sort of service that deals with this issue before one becomes listless, aimless, clueless, careless, powerless and tired.
I have never been one to throw in the towel, I have continued to do what I know best, albeit not with as much fervour, I have been weakened and sapped but I am not exhausted and will not expire, if I died fighting, I will hope whatever memory is left of me includes the conclusion, he did what he knew best – God rest his soul.

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