Tuesday 5 July 2011

In hospital with youthful blood pressure

Testing the bloods

The day began quite early, I am not too sure I had that much sleep for excitement I could not explain but it was the day of my 7th quarterly medical consultation at the hospital.

I am not too sure if I can call it quarterly any more, the intervals between meetings could stretch out to 4 months and sometimes it is within 3 months.

Each meeting requires some preparation which involves visiting the hospital to give blood for tests at least 2 weeks before the appointment – the battery of tests yields 7 groups of results that tell a complete and complex story about my condition and how effective my treatment has been.

Then 7 vials of blood were taken to reveal 28 individual results which would either fall within a range as normal or will elicit certain changes or continuation in therapy until such a time as the results fall into expected scope.

The fetish of the feet

I arrived at the hospital just in time for my appointment on bicycle and I was immediately called into have my weight measured and my blood pressure taken before my consultant invited me to his office.

As usual, there is a student doctor there who would have been given a general idea of my original condition, the course of treatment, the changes over time and the opportunity to meet with the patient reviewed.

We started off with my general circumstances and in I informed him of my impending move to the UK along with my concerns for making such a move, then we got to how I felt, health wise.

Apart from the occasional irritation and itch, everything else was fine and I shared information of the foot therapy session I had with Gurra rufa fish nibbling at my feet, he laughed as he dismissed it as a money-making gimmick and nothing more.

Good signals all round

My weight was steady over the last 3 months and my blood pressure he opined was very much in the range of that of a 20-year old, he observed that the previous readings were quite high but this time I seemed to be more relaxed – I am rarely anxious in hospital, you get so used to visiting that expectations are moderated to expect to hear what the bloods say and then we deal with the issue.

All the indicators seemed to be going in the right direction but none as radical enough to discontinue any of my drug therapy apart from the summer months hiatus from Calcium and Vitamin D supplements.

The immunity functions seem to undulate when what I need is an upward exponential change, that part of recovery is just a long-term thing I am made to understand.

Am I depressed?

As my first therapy session is tomorrow it is important to determine whether part of my drug therapy is not creating the onset of depression, we’ll talk and hopefully get to some sort of useful conclusion on that.

We planned to meet again in just over 4 months’ time in the winter when I would have gone back on Calcium and Vitamin D supplements, my treatment advisor was on holiday and the pastor was in a meeting.

On the whole, I felt good about the meeting that was over in just about 20 minutes.

1 comment:

Akin Akintayo said...

Depression is a terrible, terrible experience. I sincerely hope your session didn't cause depression. Therapy is supposed to cure, not take away your happiness.

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