Friday 23 July 2010

Thought Picnic: Celebrating being with the one you love

The jet-setter aim
I think it is time to adjust to some realities I have frequently failed to acknowledge for a long time. I have just returned from holiday and now I am off to Berlin for the wedding of a friend just outside the great city.
In some ways, I could easily live the life of a jet-setter without much angst or worry. I am single, I have no pets and sadly I have no partner to cuddle to when I return home after every day of work.
What I need
I know, I need companionship but somehow I cannot seem to get one seriously going, everyone seems to be out for a fleeting meet, all with their quest to break records of the number of unique dates they have had and mostly enjoying the life of one young, free and single.
One is getting to that point where young is beginning to stretch the imagination, free and single however is not what I want to be, well, maybe free to make the right choices but not single for an interminable length of time.
My most desired lover has gone and remains a memory of what could have been, the last image I remember was that tall and glorious walk just across the street in Gran Canaria, I tried hard to keep that memory from getting too much of a hold on me but it was there a feeling of regret and longing overwhelmed with the reality that nothing more will come of it and nothing will replace it either.
My very best wishes
However, as I go to Raguhn this weekend, I go with the best of wishes, a sense of compelling encouragement and the joy of participation to wish this couple a very happy and long married life of love, sharing, bearing and caring – the bridal bouquet once fell in my hands but I was already spoken for then – I would not be rushing for this one, whilst I earnestly desire a lifelong companion, I think there are others who probably deserve it more.
My role as observer and chronicler of the wonderful lives of others and the interesting life of me will not wane regardless of the circumstances – I should just make the best of where I am at – as for where broken hearts go, well, this has seen some rough times but is not ready to be broken.

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