Wednesday 16 December 2009

A walk of healing

Coming a long way

The neighbourhood nurse was here today and he was the first here just after I left hospital, he has paid the most visits and basically knows the most about the progression of the lesion wounds under my feet to date.

We both inspected my left foot and came to the conclusion that it was healing very well and apart from patches of dry skin that were pulled off, the only thing left was for the sole skin to thicken up just as it should be for normal soles.

Critical to his observation was the fact that the wounds which were quite severe had healed over a relatively short time. The neighbourhood nurse is used to seeing and dressing wounds like mine which never seem to heal.

A miracle, no doubt

In my case, it appears the natural process of healing had been speeded up in what one would call a miracle without bating about the bush. When I suggested it was like a healing miracle, the nurse who is generally an agnostic quickly concurred. We agreed his last visit would be on Friday.

I had a miracle working in me all the time and I never really realised that was happening, in the last few weeks, the progress has been quite rapid, I am off most of the pain medication apart from the patch which seems to run well over the 72-hour period without any noticeable discomfort.

I have not crawled round my home for about week, the crawling necessitated by a few areas of acute pain I used to have in my foot, for the first time in almost 3 months, I was also able to wash under running water my right foot.

Walking has been very comfortable, it might end up giving up my orthopaedic shoe after meeting with the consultants today and start using normal shoes from now on.

I still use crutches for support but soon, I might just need a cane and eventually ditch that altogether.

Thanks and gratitude

Great thanks indeed should first of all go to God, there is no way I could have successfully come through any of this without His mercy and His grace upon me, I have also seen amazing advances in medicine and healthcare that have helped me through these times and finally my friends and well-wishers who contributed in ways that leave me in deep gratitude, I just have not found ways to be thankful enough.

My neighbours who cared for me in the darkest times doing the most menial tasks and feeding me at strange hours when I was completely without strength, my dear friend who came to live with me and cared for all my needs beyond what friendship demands – I thank you all.

The only way is up from here, God who has seen me thus far is helping me rebuild my life again, my hopes are high, my expectations are great, my vision is gaining clarity and purpose.

Thank you.


olaoluwatomi said...

Congratulations, May God perfect all that concerns you!

olaoluwatomi said...

Congratulations, May God perfect all that concerns you!

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