Friday 21 December 2007

Six Sevens are ...

Giving Thanks

And Blessed be the Most High God who by His great mercy and loving-kindness when the fruit was shed before its season brought me to life and health to the joy of my parents who first held me in the single palm of a hand.

Thus far, I have been blessed, loved, honoured, lifted, encouraged, inspired and rewarded – I am grateful and thankful that He that has brought me this far would see me through to the end.

Much has been done, much more needs to be done and a lot is yet unfinished – a continuous work in progress seeking perfection, seeking completion, seeking fulfilment and seeking rest.

And so, like Apostle Paul did say of old – “we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead”, one sees that faith takes you to a place beyond your strength and abilities to a place of the miraculous.

We have to trust that our impossible situations are changeable beyond our myopic perceptions and I have seen many this year and in years gone by.

Today, at 42, my life is still a miracle, there might be many like me, but I would never be like anybody else but myself – at the end of my 6th 7-year period; I shall enter into a rest of rewarding comfort, a time where nobody lives in this world without leaving a mark and having touched someone else - they also leave memories - fond and bad, one thing we can never deny is that they were once part of our lives – let the building of a legacy continue.

It is amazing what birthdays bring out of you. Thanks first and then really crazy thoughts (+_+).

Birthday Blogs

Two Score and One - 2006

Life Begins again with 40 refreshing breaths - 2005

39 Steps - 2004

Birthdays - 2003

NB: (I remember reciting the times tables in primary school; we never said six times seven 42, we said six sevens are 42)

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