Tuesday 14 February 2023

My Funny Valentine Is You

My Only Valentine

You are my sunny and funny valentine,
Indeed everything beautiful and mine,
To daily see your broad lovely smile,
Even though we are apart for quite a while,
You is (sic) something I wish for as I dream,
Of the many ways we work as a team.

When I am weak and frail, a night nurse,
At times of lack, you bring a big purse,
Willing and wholesomely my great support,
Your words to my ears heal all hurt,
In your, I have found love indescribable,
And the happiness with you is incomparable.

To My Funny Valentine, you cried with joy,
Without a long bushy beard remain a boy,
With clippers a fortnight you shift and change,
Yet as a man, you come with what a range,
We strive and thrive in all kinds of weather,
To become more and beyond the whether.

Grateful, I am to have you by my side,
Thankful to watch you in your stride,
Never did I know I needed such a man,
You must know I am your greatest fan,
Once again, Happy Valentine my darling,
You are with love and kisses, everything.

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