Thursday 8 December 2022

Congratulations on 19 years of blogging

When writing brings freedom and joy

It is amazing how when we look back and realise how fast time moves, you can notice this in the growth of other people’s children but in this case, it is about Akin Akintayo celebrating 19 years of blogging.

My introduction to these blogs only started a few years ago and ever since I have been captivated, inspired, and encouraged by his blogs. Akin has an amazing way of storytelling regarding various topics.

Meeting Akin for the first time in South Africa was a scary experience for me – I introduced myself to him and all I said was ‘Hello’ and from that moment we started a conversation and during this occasion, I could tell that this man has a certain greatness about him, and just listening to his story I was fascinated wanting to know so much more about him.

As time would have it, Akin and I developed a friendship, and we made plans for more to happen and true to his word, we have met up on several occasions and with each rendezvous always something so much more to learn about him and discover interesting facts and opinions about the man.

Then came the introduction to his blog profile. Wow! there was so much information and topics of great interest, at that moment I remember being inspired to try my hand at publishing blogs, I still try to write but nothing as articulate and clear as how Akin does it.

Akin can write about anything, inspired even by one single word he has an amazing gift to build up a blog of interest, at times funny, at other times very deep and serious but all in all, Akin has a gift.

All who follow Akin’s blogs will agree with me that we now await the publication of his book. When reading many of the blogs one does realise that all the material is there for what I think would make for a bestseller.

On this day 19 years ago, Akin set out to share with us all his experiences and his thoughts regarding so many issues in the form of blogging.

Today, I want to thank him for being constant in his blogging and thank him for the man that he is – Smart and Intelligent, Motivating and showing so much courage through all that he has experienced and all that he does and for many more years to come, continue to bring us more insight that enlightens and encourages us to be better.

Congratulations and may you never tire in sharing your great work with us all.


It has now become a tradition for Brian to write the anniversary blogs for which I am very grateful. In fact, this time, he promised to deliver his copy 48 hours ahead of schedule and since time is a concept of amazing intrigue in Zimbabwe, he did excel himself and somehow, I found his blog in my inbox this morning.

19 years of blogging, sometimes prolific and at other times lazy may not be a measure of anything apart from it being a kind of consistency at a leisurely pursuit. The promise of my book is in the works as I am collecting thoughts in writings and speech-to-text dictations, I am not sure of how it would come together.

Brian sporadically blogs at Brian’s Point of View and can be followed on Twitter at Brian07j.

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