Sunday 23 November 2014

Essential Snobbery 101: Emails should not replace proper communication

Breeding annoyance
The times I have been quite noticeably shocked by behaviour and attitude is without count. That I have quite promptly upbraided people is something people who know me appreciate.
The other day, it was an email with the appeal that I be "calm, logical and professional". Some messages are not worth responding to, because there is no arrangement of words that would serve the intent as well as the put down she deserved.
I decided, she had not with all our dealings began to understand the kind of person that I am. Nothing annoys me more than the lack of courtesy, where people resort to emails in place of the essential conversation and think things are fine that way.
Proper conduct
Sadly, in my view, if you will saddle me with a responsibility, then you should chat to me. That I have acquiesced does not mean I have accepted that responsibility apart from trying to create a situation of, 'can we just get along?'
It is the same thing that informs how I travel and how I like things to be, 'just so'. There is a cost to this, but the truth is whilst some might consider me demanding or complaining. I prefer the absence of conflict borne of the fact that people know what they are supposed to do, that I do not have to ask them to do what should have been properly done.
Human-to-human conversation is still the most effective, courteous and respectful kind of communication, it shows engagement too.
Project management off the books
This is where one must say the project is losing focus, no expectations are set, no inspiration is given and hence, there is no commitment and targets are not met.
There is the science of project management and there is an art of project management; many have mastered the former and lack any skill in the latter. In essence, they have to bludgeon rather than encourage and escalate rather than encourage.
That they appear to be out of their depth is no surprise and that we are to pick up Humpty Dumpty's pieces afterwards, is no surprise.
If I have to insinuate myself into this situation, the quest to get things going might inadvertently expose the incompetence of others. That is why I am restraining myself, but it would not be long before knowledge and understanding meet in the realisation of somewhat all too obvious facts.
I am biding my time.

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