A pro-choice point
If there were
better interventionist policies that were predicated on unconditional love
providing the best of parental care to children born into dire, indifferent,
violent or extremely atrocious situations, I might have found myself waving
flags and placards in the front of abortion clinics speaking against abortion.
Our reality
indicates there is no such Utopian environment to fundamentally offload the
circumstances that present abortion as an option some people might take for all
sorts of reasons.
Unloved in this world
This introduction
stems from a number of situations in the UK where children have been born into some
of the most harrowingly wicked homes, where the children’s guardians take on
the demonic mantle of depriving the child of every semblance of care, fun,
happiness, joy and even life for reasons I cannot yet understand even if I were
completely devoid of any humanity.
The case of Daniel
Pelka represents a feeling that hell might well be an amusement park and
the poor child saw more than hell.
Nothing is said of
the circumstances in which Daniel was born and that is patently beside the
point, he had a mother who starved him, almost drowned him, brutalised him and
eventually killed him whilst his mother’s partner acquiesced, if not
participated in the evil enterprise.
Unconscionable evil
The only place
where I have seen such behaviour is amongst primates where a silverback will
attempt to kill the offspring of a nursing gorilla in order to bring her into
season to have his way. If I suggested Magdelena Luczak, 27, and her partner
Mariusz Krezolek, 34 where worse than wild animals in human skin, I will not be
far off the mark.
The unmitigated
cruelty to Daniel Pelka mirrors what we saw of Peter Connelly, Baby P, a few years
before, where the system failed the child who suffered more than 50 injuries
over an 8-month period.
Before that, it was
Climbié, creating a catalogue of guardianship criminality that can find no
words of expression close to describing the hell those children went through.
Some justice
It is not just the
fact that the children were unloved or probably unwanted but that their
guardians especially in the documented text messages of Daniel Pelka’s
guardians had no restraint in planning and executing their tortuous sadistic
cruelty against defenceless kids for their pleasure or satisfaction.
No justice can be
sufficient to punish for the world Daniel came to find himself and if there is
a heaven, I will hope that he finds the greatest care and love imaginable to
wipe away the sorrow and pain that was his unfortunate lot when he lived 4
short years on earth.
It would have
probably been better he was not born because no child on God’s good earth
regardless of situation, circumstance, providence or misfortune should suffer
the way Victoria, Peter or Daniel suffered and I am glad that our society is
still moved enough to ensure that anyone party to such evil will be severely
punished for crime that are fundamentally against humanity.
Just because the
children are defenceless in life and have been failed by the system does not
mean that society will not act to seek redress, retribution and punishment of
the perpetrators of evil that contemns our humanity.
May Daniel rest in
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