Wednesday 21 November 2012

Ìyá - 70 and Strong

A word
Tenacious – That is word that comes to mind about a lady I have known all my life. A fighter, a warrior, a lioness and an Amazon.
As the middle child she was never a middling, from childhood despite all she went through; I heard stories that made my hairs stand on end but when I look back with deep reflection and I realise that I get my fighting spirit off her.
The day I was born, no one believed that she had been with child, she was back at work because the hospital had to keep me and they did not need to keep her – she never idled, she just got on with being resourcefully productive.
Facing countless storms
We walked into the ward 43 years ago, the bed was empty, where could her Diamond have gone? The worst could have happened; my dad had gone for an operation, between the confusion around and the distress I was having, she calmly located where they had moved him, it is the earliest I can remember of my mother tackling serious life issues.
A very religious woman, prayerfully withstanding every kind of opposition, I do not think we have ever fully appreciated her worth in what she has struggled to be and become for all of us. But today, I see a mother hen who has shielded us like an eagle to her chicks, a lioness to her cubs, a mother lovingly holding the hand of her child as we walk through the crowds.
Her greatest desire
That she always wanted the best for us was never in dispute, that we probably did not get that far was not her fault, she saw dangers we never envisaged and worked to ensure her premonitions never became our experiences.
Her love, her zest for life, the sacrifices made that I have seen of no other person, she is of inestimable value, a treasure we have sometimes abused, maligned or ignored but still carries the greatest worth of what we can ever possess.
Relentless, unstinting, dogged, determined and supportive, a peerless mother whose voice to me still comforts and says things are well.
70 with thanks
We celebrate Ìyá. Ìyá is 70 – Happy Birthday, woman of God, A. J., many happy returns, with love and affection, may you see more happy, wonderful, healthful, bountiful, joyful and fruitful days.

1 comment:

Emmanuel Omoniyi Taiwo said...

I remember my 1st trip to Lagos was with Iya Isolo. I pray many more years with Joy and vigour.

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