Classic Foot in mouth
Living in the Netherlands for me has brought many benefits of settling down, prosperity, lack of stress and a probably sedentary lifestyle.
I have my reasons for leaving the UK and I am glad that my over 4 years here has been fun, exciting and interesting.
However, the Dutch have been inflicted with the worst kind of political representation in living memory.
After the shake-up of Pim Fortuyn’s considered right-wing stance that lead to his unfortunate murder in May 1991, one would have thought the Dutch would be more politically sensitive in weighing the consequences of exercise of franchise.
Unfortunately, I regret to report that that hope has been twice dashed, squandered on the ignominy of voters who are lacking in both a conviction and ideology; and there is no sign of it being shifted for a while.
Anyway, we have this government whose most imaginative plans have thrived on penny-pinching and the intelligent use of circumstances to conceal more sinister intentions. See Tolerance as a mindset of choice, prejudice and hypocrisy - Part 2
Penny-pinching aside, one is quite amused that the news that the Prime Minister and his government which happens to be the uneventful president of the rotating EU presidency for just another 3 or so months has only been about to tactfully question the happenings in the Russia with the slant of blame on the Russian government.
Then he went on about the Netherlands remaining Christian even if people stopped going to church. Sometimes, it makes one wonder about how people think. Profound as that might sound; one is not impressed by half.
This is a government trying to be both right-wing and conservative, but failing miserably as both - they neither have ideology, identity, vision nor goals - they are as listless a ship navigating the throes of Hurricane Ivan.
Well, news reaches us that he has a foot infection which is not healing as fast as it should, hence requiring another week in the hospital. I wish him no ill, perhaps he might return from hospital with genuinely ground-breaking ideas – you can be infected with all sorts of bugs in hospital, he might just catch the Statesman bug.
Like the foot and mouth disease of a few years before, one is tempted to hope that he is quarantined from government for new ideas to evolve.
Lacking sight and vision
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