Thursday 1 July 2004

Holidays do end

Knowing how to play
A radical Nigerian educationist once said, "They who do not know how to work, do not know how to play" Tai Solarin.
Contrasting the whole idea of holidays between the Nigerians and the West makes interesting reading.
I remember quite vividly many of my parent’s generation who took their annual leave, then did the utmost to exhaust themselves that by the time they return to work they are really in need of rest.
Not that they did not know how to work, but many had to work under undue stress, from management pressures, unstated expectations, career difficulties and the ever present superstitious psyche of being affected by situations that are always out of their control.
Everything is attributable to something no matter how inconsequential.
R-rated holidays
The ideal for some would be not in work in any month that contains the letter "R", though it could be argued that it is better to go on holiday in the months that contain the letter "R" - go figure.
Anyway, after 2 weeks that saw lots of sun and probably the signs of burning which might show as skin peeling in 2 weeks time and the attendant re-tanning of the tanned hue, one could conclude that it was good fun and I am well rested.
July, presents a host of new opportunities, a new job, starting a Master’s degree and relaxing in the knowledge that things would be OK.
More about the holidays later.

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