Tuesday 24 August 2010

Brick by heavy brick

Each heavy dusty brown brick of a blog entry
“Brick by brick”, she said, “stone by stone” she continued, “we build a house to call our home” – the strains of music written by Anna Wilson for Habitat for Humanity International, I wonder if that song is now for me.
I have been cast as an eccentric Howard Hughes with enough money and the madness to buy up the Great Wall of China and rebuild it at any other location that satisfies my whimsical fantasies.
The metaphors are apt, after almost 7 years of blogs numbering about 1,500 and 2,750,000 hits; I have to move this blog elsewhere because my blog hosts are bored with this venture and will close on the 1st of January 2012.
Compatible to none
I have agonised about where to re-host my blog considering all the formats the host offers are not at present compatible with import formats for Blogger or Wordpress.
Painstakingly, blog by blog, jot by jot and tittle by tittle I have been taking each blog from the 8th of December 2003 and moving it to this location at Akinblog.nl there is still a lot to be done.
References from Wikipedia, journals, researchers and bloggers might be lost, the comments my readers have offered, the footprint that akin.blog-city.com had and so on – yes, I feel like I am trying to move the Great Wall and its history to another place and time.
At least, I hope Google does not get bored of hosting blogs, the small Scottish company move-proofed its asset of bloggers with proprietary formats and now I have a good headache about migration, I have been assured a tool would eventually help our move but I wonder when that would be available.
Thanks for the wheelbarrows of support
I have already moved all that I have written in 2003 & 2004, 2005 is almost done and everything in 2010 is already here.
I want to thank you all for following me here and hope you will continue to be interested in my views, opinions, rants and controversies at Akinblog.nl.
Brick by heavy brick, we would move, completely – however for the time that Blog-City continues to exist, I will simultaneously publish at both locations.

1 comment:


off to update my blogroll with the new url. Hope all is well.

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