Thursday 21 July 2016

Thought Picnic: Seated by duress

A deliberation of space where the use of a fare becomes the exertion of latitude beyond entitlement meets the encroachment on the need of others.
When demand is made of access, a grudging and reluctant relinquishment of territory ensues. Within that might sit a resentment to the challenge to their expanse as an infringement on their privilege. For some, this is a sign of disrespect.
There might be consequences, or is paranoia getting the better of one? However, it does not help that on the day one decides to visit a memorial and monument to man’s inhumanity to man; a concentration camp, someone walks by and hollers, Sieg Heil! The victory of angst over faith?
Yes, we heard him right and this was Berlin in 2016, the hour not even at the tenth. We live in times of turmoil, invisible but present, palpable and serious too.

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