Thursday 7 November 2013

Thought Picnic: Looking in the mirror of cruel self-assessment

Answer like a fool
I have mentally played back some interview scenarios I had previously in the light of recently acquired knowledge, I feel like I have been a fool.
The interviews were not face-to-face but audio conversations over the phone. Where two interviewers might have sat together, I can only imagine the look of incredulity with possible utter surprise at what I was saying.
I probably had a good idea of what I needed to say, but giving an answer that was much broader beyond the stated function of an application would have left me looking like an idiot, even if my thinking was right.
Dig in
For all the knowledge I have, the intricacy of the systems and the complicated planning that goes into deployments requires practice.
It is an employer’s market out there; they can be as fussy as they like to be, because of the saturated pool of job seeking and hungry experts looking for an opportunity.
Much as I need favour, I also need to continue to work on improving on the areas where I am weak. I cannot afford to replay another interview scenario back in my mind and just realise that as I gnawed with my toothless jaw and bruised gums at the bone of the question, I am presenting myself in the theatre of the macabrely stupid.
Gosh! What work I make of myself, I need a tonic of life.

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