Thursday 29 August 2013

Anyone got a couch?

You’ve heard it all before
It has become a refrain, the monotony of a shrill choral piece ringing in the air that the haunting sound of the wind rustling the leaves of the willow tree in the cemetery at the edge of town.
Strange beds and funny pillows, stranger faces with smiles that reshape the face but have no heart in them, a constant wandering like a nomad in the desert with no paths to follow, no known watering holes, stumbling upon oases big and small but the journey must continue due north to the place where hope becomes reality.
He has fought to live and struggled not to die, but each respite is just like the catching of breath in the swirling turbulent seas where the strength to swim and stay afloat is slowly ebbing away – he is desperately hoping for a rescue or waiting for the last time when the eyes close, the life he has lived swiftly flashes by for one last memory of the best times to depart as if fulfilled.
Please, help me
Thriving well comes from the release of the potential, but the potential must have a place, a platform, a constant, a haven, maybe a shelter from where to launch, however, the refrain of instability is affecting the ability to concentrate causing much disruption in the quest for some progress.
Surrounded by storms, one needs shelter, the roaring thunderclaps of means and lack leaves one only stealing sleep whilst one must yet be agile and ready to employ the brain to capacity in finding the first rung of the ladder out of this quagmire.
I need a couch, a roof over my head, a place to plan, some space to think, the means to link and the chance to start all over again – I am well able, but I cannot do much if I don’t have some stability.

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