Thursday 9 May 2013

Thought Picnic: Disengaged Indecisive Convenience

Unsure decisions
We met again on a day that started too dull to have been the follow on from a brilliant day, the day before and I was hardly dressed for it.
It was time to consider whether it was prudent to convey my clinical needs over here in terms of many things I have enjoyed with the treatment, the professionalism and the consideration that had served me so well over the last 4 years in the Netherlands.
Not as absorbed
Usually, I am seen within 15 minutes of arrival, but it was 30 minutes before I was called in, though I occupied myself with the New Statesman magazine that I took with me not sure of what to envisage.
When we got talking, we ticked off the issues; more questions came than I had answers for though I had enough information to help determine a particular course of treatment along with the need to contact my medical consultant in the Netherlands for additional information having signed some forms.
The news was not entirely good, the basic organ functions were fine but some readings were not an improvement on my last tests that a new battery of tests was needed.
The atmosphere was nothing like the conviviality I was accustomed to and once the doctor had disappeared, I saw nothing of her again before I left – it was rather disconcerting but for the expediency and immediacy of monitoring and treatment close to where I currently work.
A feast for long fangs
Soon, I submitted myself to the phlebotomy of needy vampires and I could have swooned for the life that was drained from my veins into six vials.
In two weeks, we will meet again and one wonders what will be in store though there is enough to bother me if I were to care so much for that fact that certain readings are not going in the direction one would have wanted.

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