Tuesday 16 August 2011

Thought Picnic: Built to last

The usefulness of therapy

Therapy is useful and somewhat different for me, a time I find to talk about the things that bother me. The therapist does not of essence have the answers or solutions but can provide perspective, give context and offer advice.

What I do with all that matters, I need to be able to overcome the seemingly insurmountable, break down the apparently impossible into steps of possible accomplishment and find paths through impassable thickets of thorns and bristles.

That is something therapy appears to do for me, someone who for a moment appears to engage, emote, sympathise or even empathise so you do not feel completely alone and without help at all.

I like my therapist and I think the therapy is working for me, helping my state of mind and hopefully preparing me to handle the issues I face and the circumstances I am in.

Built to last

After therapy, I decided to ride up to my old office to see ex-colleagues I left just about 3 years ago. Things have changed and some things have remained the same, some have gone, some have remained and new faces are there too.

However, it was interesting to see the results of the foundations laid years before, there are refinements but the basic structure is still there and the greatest compliment I got was when I saw the departmental head of the team I was in years ago.

He said, “What you built for us is still here, I’ll say, it is built to last.” If only I could take that to the bank, cash it in and get a job too.

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