Thursday 26 May 2011

Thought Picnic: Talking to Turkeys

Therapy and travel

The hope is that absence and difference will bring perspective and focus leading to direction and purpose.

In the middle of the quagmire of circumstances with not one problem solved yet, therapy has been requested to allow for a professional review of the circumstances that accompany the onset and survival of live-changing circumstances like disease.

As it went, the conversation had the advisor agreeing that this should have been offered as a matter of course but one of the self-inflicted travails of a strong personality is that it excludes you from the scrutiny and sometimes help that should readily be to hand for those less assertive and self-assured.

There are some things one cannot continue to do alone, even though the solution will be brought about through how the interactions clear the fog and offer reason, sense and objective.

Beyond the request for therapy is a break-away to the shores of the Mediterranean in Turkey where hopefully, difference and newness will inspire a new outlook and the ability to take things on with a better aim to success.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, I might not get a Damascene conversion but I will settle for the enlightenment of Ephesus.

1 comment:

Akin Akintayo said...

travel well my friend

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