Tuesday 19 October 2010

Thought Picnic: A heart that feels

A heart that feels, a heart of flesh,

Two hearts unsure and absent from a thinking head,

Beating with great rapidity,

Like African drums in readiness for a cannibal feast,

The tales we heard once before, a truth untold.

A heart that feels, a heart that yearns,

For a love that seemed once there but unaware,

Giving all for very little,

Like an infatuated adolescent only twice that age,

To have and to hold, if only one were so bold.

A heart that feels, a heart that bleeds,

Bruised by hurt and disappointments too many,

Healing fast to forgetfulness,

You return like a battered wife to the arms that did harm,

Is one so completely sold out to one so cold.

A heart that feels, a heart that breaks,

Love found but so out of reach,

Remembering the dust and the ashes,

Of the one who stole your heart long ago,

The story will fold with no love again past old.

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