Saturday 17 April 2010

Volcanic sacrifices

Ash and cash
The irony cannot be lost on anyone to note that the ash of the Icelandic volcano is doing a good job of starving the airlines of cash.
I could not help but ReTweet this very hilarious quip RT @ocicat_bengals: Lets offer Willie Walsh as a sacrifice to the volcano god #BA #ashtag #hilarious.
The link goes to a FaceBook page where over 200 people are ready to wear painted faces and beat their drums as we chant to the cries of the sacrificial offerings in the hope that the god of the volcano is appeased.
Sadly, the state funeral of the Polish President who died in an aircrash last weekend might only be attended by heads of state who can arrive in Krakow by land or any other means but by air – some things are just out of our control.
The wrong kind of ashes are preventing a global ashes to ashes for the Polish leader, in our little ways we will with ashen faces and some sadness bid them all goodbye.
Volcanic aggression
Just as I heard just now on television, this star struck gentlemen was dumbstruck when introduced to a celebrity and thankfully his colleague was about to offer excuses as to how he lost his voice.
Meanwhile, this afternoon, I was out to pick up some takeaway pepper soup and okro stew, there a group of children who appeared to be unsupervised by adults had been given the task of distributing religious leaflets to commuters coming out of the metro station.
One of the girls, probably not older than 10, accosted me but I refused a leaflet, she then took an aggressive poise, tried to obstruct me while questioning why I refused a leaflet, if I was an unbeliever and that I had to take a leaflet – I was quite on the verge of losing my temper.
I do wonder what that girl would turn out to be with her “gentle” manner, I really felt like being a volcano at that moment erupting molten lava on immovable impediments and annoyances - thankfully, God is not like one of us.

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