Sunday 31 January 2010

Thought Picnic: The therapy of talking

The one man

The man defined by his stoicism in the face of his tribulations bottles up everything with the stiff upper lip and resolves things will turn out right.

What burdens of great weight are shouldered in a mind that could be overrun with the billions of permutations of thoughts and solutions to the myriad problems that surround.

Yet, a man is but one person, one mind, one head, one and alone as he grasps and grapples so desperately with the hope, the belief, the faith, the doubt and the wars in the spiritual.

Can one walk these roads alone? Can one survive the sudden fall into the valley of the shadow of death? Does one know if it is the shadow or the reality, the sound of the roar or the presence of the lion?

The need for another

The mind plays tricks on you to the point of disillusionment and despair and you wonder where your help comes from, but there is always present help in the time of need.

One person needs another for support, one mind needs another to curtail the madness, one head needs another because as they say, two heads are better than one – there are persons, minds and heads of value and importance out there for the man who will open up and talk.

In talking, one finds ideas, concepts and insights, some reinforce things known, others originaland inspired; opening new ways of resolution and possibilities that almost always elude the singularity of man on his own, wandering in his own wilderness seeking respite and succour.

Learning anew

In all one finds an interesting insight, the fact that one never really integrated in a host society because everything seemed to be fine and then when things took a turn one was left clueless about how things really work where one has been for almost a decade – that probably defines an alien or rather a typical Englishman interestingly.

Amends will be made and knowledge gained because there are rights to be appropriated and benefits to be gained, meanwhile man when considering all is in deep gratitude for the amazing support that comes from that simple step of talking to someone else about those things that have been bottled up in that overactive almost exhausted mind for ages.

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