Thursday 24 September 2009

Golden red and painless

Vintage without palate

And so I have been manufacturing bottles of Premier Cru Urea 2009 by the gallon, the colour is golden, there doesn’t appear to be impurities, I would not hazard the ideas of bouquet, palate, odour and what not.

A good deal of it seems to come from the metabolism of saline solution intravenously fed into me over the last few days.

In addition to that, I have antibiotics dripping in and a quick check on what this antibiotic is supposed to treat includes fungating tumours, what a name for the condition and it doesn’t half teach you the fundamentals of pain.

All bloods for slow results

Meanwhile, one would be forgiven for thinking there was a vampire’s convention on the premises, I have given so much blood, I do wonder how much I have left in me. I developed a fever overnight and some blood was drawn into a culture to determine if there are bacteria in my blood.

You suddenly realise these tests are procedural rather than instant, observation and analysis means it could take days for results to come in, one just has to wait.

Not in my abdomen

Every 6 hours or so, I have been given morphine injections, all the time, it has gone into my left arm, then one nurse suggested injecting straight into my abdomen. I don’t think so.

It is hard enough trying not to see the needles as they go in, but the thought of having it go in my abdomen had me freaking out, big time.

She relented and injected my arm, I’ll rather that than the quick acting injection to the abdomen. It is a very sunny day, but when you are ill in hospital you get to observe nature’s beauty from the window and wish for the day when the joys of nature with the breeze of comfort blows into your face as you give thanks to God above.

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