Tuesday 21 March 2006

Wanting it badly

Expatriate's Expatriate
I cannot say I am the most integrated foreigner in the Netherlands. I have said this so much that it is becoming a kind of affirmation I am not entirely proud of, but one I have to live with.
So, this is even so obvious when I send my CV to certain global organisations in the Netherlands and it get rejected out of hand because my grasp of Dutch makes Double Dutch sound like duck quacks.
Then suddenly, a problem needs to be solved, a solution is required and some brains regardless of language ability are required - my CV resurfaces to do the job, albeit is nominally contract rates rather than the lesser paid permanent roles.
I have now learnt to be content with the fact that where my skills are required my services would eventually be acquired.
Sometimes, I wonder why I get so flustered and worrisome of short terms of unemployment.
I have been fortunate in many ways as I count my blessings and remain grateful for the providence of the great Father who in spite of my faults smiles on me as I find favour with earth and heaven.
Meanwhile, I traipsing round Germany continues as work begins on Monday.

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