Monday 13 February 2006

The box bores me

A weekend hermit
One of the reasons I get out of town in the weekends is that is prevents me from spending a good 60 hours indoors.
One easily exhibits hermit tendencies that could see one get in from work on Friday night and the next time one steps out is Monday morning as work beckons.
Everyone once in a while there is a social event that punctuates the weekend and it should be an activity one indulges in more often.
My guest room which doubles as an office sees more of me as the resident guest than any other person; in fact, no guest has ever stayed in the ‘guest’ room.
It is apparently my very private area in my apartment, a gold-fish bowl if viewed from outside.
No fear though; being on the seventh floor, with the next building some 100 metres away and a vista of a disused but occupied harbour, it is good enough privacy.
TV un-entertainment
I could not help but note the variations on the same theme offered as entertainment on television recently.
The English-speaking channels get a lot of traffic from BBC 1 & 2, BBC World, CNN, Discovery Channel and National Geographic; we also have a few Dutch channels which offer spoken English with Dutch sub-titles.
At first we had Come Dancing where a professional dancer pairs up with a celebrity in a dancing competition – that had really good and popular viewing.
We now await Just the Two of Us which would be an accomplished singer in a duet with some celebrity yodeller who probably gets taught to convert a bark into a meow – I dread the impact on my ears.
Then today, a new game show named Petrol Heads did not live up to its billing. Whilst, it was funny and probably a bit comical, I doubt if it would catch on.
Top Gear meets Have I Got News for you? I neither see the motor expertise nor the contemporary wit.
I should do more with my weekends; short of seeing all the ice drama at the Turin Olympics, it appears entertainment can not be found on a television near you.
Like they say – Get out a bit more.

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